Thursday, May 16, 2019

Salas to Tineo
12.6 miles

This was another relatively short stage of the Camino, but that meant nothing when you factored in the amount of climbing - especially during the first part of the day. It did help to reorganize and adjust my backpack, but there were still killer downhill segments.

Sculpture at the entrance to Tineo, 
paying tribute to the peregrino (Spanish for pilgrim).

Windmills everywhere and no hint of cancer (ha ha).
Love the royal blue bridges (one of Spain's colors).

Gorgeous countryside.

Now that's the kind of sign that would prevent me from getting lost!
This was painted on the garage door of a house close to Parque Infantil.

Bucolic setting but the kind of rocks that can end your Camino quickly.

Stunning views of snow-capped Asturian Mountains.

We ended this stage at the beautiful hotel, the Palacio de Meras. I didn't even bother going up to my room when I first arrived, since I was desperate for a Spanish beer after all that walking in the heat. The bartender poured me a full glass in what looked to be a large white wine goblet and only charged me 2 Euros (not quite $2 US)! Then he topped that off with a plate of salty potato chips that hit the spot. I was in heaven (sweaty and filthy dirty, but who cared)? Small victories people!

By dinner, I started to see some of the pilgrims I traveled with and spoke to, so I joined Miriam (Canadian) Yvoa (French) and Bill for dinner. Great salad, but I didn't want fried fish. I asked for grilled, but it looked like it was boiled (with potatoes of course). I don't know how these people keep from weighing over 300 pounds after consuming those carbs so late at night and going directly to bed.

1 comment:

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